About Us

Angola is a country rich in culture, history, and artistic expression. The beauty of Angola can be seen in its diverse people, landscapes and wildlife. The country’s vibrant culture is expressed through art, music, and dance. Angolan artists have created beautiful artwork that showcases the country’s natural beauty, cultural heritage, and rich history.
One of the most striking features of Angolan art is its use of color and texture. Many Angolan artists use bright colors and bold patterns to capture the essence of the country’s diverse people, landscapes and wildlife. From the lush forests and rolling hills to the sparkling waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Angola’s natural beauty is truly breathtaking.
In addition to its natural beauty, Angola is also home to a rich cultural heritage. Angolan art reflects the country’s diverse history and traditions, including its musical instruments and dance. The Kuduro, Kizomba and Semba for example, are popular dance styles that originated in Angola and has become popular around the world.
Despite the beauty and richness of Angolan art, many artists struggle to make a living from their work. This is where initiatives to showcase their artwork globally and make it possible for them to sell their work comes in. Through these initiatives, artists can earn a dignifying living from the value of their work and have the ability to continue creating and sharing their beautiful artwork with the world.


Our Mission

Make Angolan and African culture known to the world by giving artists the opportunity to be known for their work and have a dignified life based on the value of their work.

Our Vision

A pioneer in exporting Angolan and African culture and talented art makers.
Business vision: cosmetics and beauty; versus art and culture
The idea for creating the Limited Liability Company “Mukua.Ilc” was born from Edna SebastiĆ£o’s desire to develop a comprehensive project with personal identity.
“Mukua.Ilc”, is the “baobab fruit of Angola”, which saw the light of day in June 2023, in Lewiston. It’s the name Edna chose to identify her business.
Edna’s vision for her business began in February 2022 to combine the “international promotion of African art and culture and the marketing of books and cosmetic products.”

Its foundation is the roots of the baobab tree, a tree from the Angolan and African cultures, which symbolizes “life and wisdom”, explained Edna.”
The brand will become public with the / launch of “kilumba kyawaba” and in the first phase sales of the products “Kindumba kyawaba” will be made through the windows of its social networks.
At a more advanced stage, these will be added to the cosmetics shelves of hypermarket chains.



